With the help of Bathurst Light car club and Cams we have had our Sup regs approved and available to release.
Due to the nature of our 2 day event, we have submitted 2 sets of regulations to Cams. Day 1 and Day 2 are run under different permits, while this is the case for the paperwork, the results are collected over 2 days and will be released at the end of the event on Sunday night.
Below are the sup regs for both days. Please read them carefully, the main difference is the locations of the pit area. Day 1 is down the bottom of the mountain and day 2 is up the top.
Day 1: Conrod straight supersprint.
- 1. THE EVENT will be held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the National Competition Rules of CAMS, the Speed Event Standing Regulations published by CAMS, these Supplementary Regulations and any Further Regulations that are issued. This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at www.cams.com.au
- 2. THE EVENT will be held on Saturday 13th May 2017 on Conrod Straight, Mt Panorama
- 3. THE EVENT will be conducted under CAMS Permit No: 217/1305/02 which has been issued and will be displayed at the event.
- THE EVENT will be organised and promoted by a committee from the Bathurst Light Car Club Ltd.
- 5. THE EVENT will include as a minimum 4 runs.
- 6. THE STEWARDS for the event will be:
Chief Steward: Peter Zylstra Grade: Gold
Second Steward Cecil Evans Grade: Club Chief
- Clerk of Course: David Robinson Grade: Silver
Event Secretary: Robert Lundie-Jenkins Grade: Bronze
Phone: Home: 0434 318148
All correspondence should be addressed to-
Chris Dawe CD@nulon.com.au
PH: 0437 168 048
Chief Scrutineer: Richard Setchfield Grade: Gold
- ENTRIES: are by invitation from NULON only and will close at 6:00pm on Wednesday 11th May 2017.
- a) Maximum number of driver entries for the Event: 80 Reserves: 10
- b) Maximum number of drivers per vehicle: 1
- c) Entries will be accepted in order of receipt and must be sent to Chris Dawes at Nulon on a properly completed Entry Form accompanied by the appropriate entry fee. An incomplete entry form or lack of payment of entry fee concurrent with the entry will result in non-acceptance of the entry.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry in accordance with NCR 83 of the Current CAMS Manual.
- 9. ENTRY FEE will be $ Nil (GST incl) To be paid by Nulon
Current CAMS Level 2S/J, or superior and club membership are compulsory and must be presented at document check-in. If issued, a CAMS vehicle logbook shall also be required to be shown.
SCRUTINY will be held at 7:00am on 13th May 2017 at Tower 2 in the Pit Area, Mt Panorama
- All vehicles must comply with Schedules A & B of the CAMS General Requirements for Automobiles (as specified in the CAMS Manual), including a fire extinguisher; blue triangle (for battery) and a secondary method for fastening the bonnet.
- All vehicles must comply with Schedule J. (as specified in the CAMS Manual).
- Maximum noise limit is 95 dba fast response, at 30 meters drive by. Any car found to exceed the maximum noise emission limit will be suspended from the event, (the time recorded on that run will be disallowed) until the Chief Scrutineer / Clerk of the Course is satisfied that action has been taken to bring it within the limit.
- Competition numbers are to be positioned on both sides and the front of the car and must comply with Schedule K of the NCRs.
- Drivers and vehicles must be presented in a clean and tidy manner. Note: The Event will not be delayed due to late arrivals. It is the drivers’ responsibility to ensure their vehicles are scrutineered before the scheduled starting time of the Event. All drivers must attend scrutineering personally so that their driving apparel can be checked.
DRIVERS’ BRIEFING will be held: at 8:45 am on 13th May 2017 at Tower 2 in the Pit Area, Mt Panorama. It is compulsory for ALL drivers to attend. Scrutineering will cease whilst the drivers’ briefing is in progress.
Note: A driver “sign-on” sheet must be signed by all drivers to prove briefing attendance, failure to sign on may result in penalties being applied by the stewards of the meeting.
The EVENT commences at 9:30am and will be finished by 5:00pm.
For this event classes shall be as listed below
A: Under 3.4 litre Normally Aspirated
B: Over 3.4 litre Normally Aspirated
C: All Wheel Drive
D: 2WD Forced Induction
E: Workshop
F: Pro
All vehicles must comply with the NSW Supersprint regulations or 3J improved production regulations in the CAMS manual with the exception of roll cages which must comply with schedule J
Where a vehicle is eligible for more than one class, a competitor cannot alter their desired class after the commencement of scrutineering. The Chief Scrutineer can, for eligibility reasons, re-classify a vehicle during scrutineering.
- FUEL: All competitors are permitted to use any fuel as defined in Schedule G in the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Vehicles using alcohol shall have signage indicating the use as is prescribed in Schedule G. Item 5.3
Drivers must wear safety equipment that complies with Schedule D of the current CAMS Manual, including:
- a) A helmet that complies with AS1698 or better (as per the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport) and carries marking to that effect, or is otherwise specifically approved by CAMS.
- b) Non-Flammable clothing, including cover from throat to wrists to ankles (apparel of nylon or similar material is forbidden). Flame retardant overalls, or better, are highly recommended
- c) Suitable flame retardant footwear (thongs, open sandals, high-heeled shoes and nylon joggers are forbidden), and
- d) In open cars, goggles or a visor with a lens material other than glass (to AS1609) are mandatory as are leather or Nomex gloves which entirely cover the hands.
- 15. REPLACEMENT VEHICLES: At the sole discretion of the Clerk of the Course, a driver whose vehicle has broken down may use a replacement vehicle. The replacement vehicle must have been scrutineered, and preferably be in the same category/type and class as the original vehicle. Where the original vehicle has recorded a time and the scrutineered replacement is not in the same category/type and class as the original vehicle, the replacement vehicle will not be eligible for prizes and/or trophies.
- 16. TIMING EQUIPMENT will be: with an accuracy of one hundredth of a second
- 17. RERUNS: Reruns will be permitted at the sole discretion of the Clerk of the Course. A restart will only be permitted if the rear wheels have not crossed the start line, if a red flag is displayed or a miss-time occurs. If required, a rerun cannot be run before 5 other vehicles have had their runs.
- AWARDS will be presented at: Clubrooms, Conrod Straight Mount Panorama at the conclusion of the event and will consist of trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Class.
- 19. AUTHORITY OF OFFICIALS: Any driver not following a reasonable instruction by an official during the Event may be excluded from the Event at the discretion of the Stewards of the Meeting.
- 20. MEDICAL FACILITIES: Provided by Paramedical Services
PUBLIC RISK INSURANCE is included under the permit for this Event. PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE – CAMS licence holders are covered by Personal Accident Insurance for the term of the licence. Insurance for this event will be provided in accordance with Appendix I of the current CAMS Manual.
- 23. PROTESTS: Any protests must be made in accordance with Part XII of the NCR’s.
- 24. POSTPONEMENT / ABANDONMENT / CANCELLATION: The organisers reserve the right to postpone, abandon or cancel the Event in accordance with NCR 59 of the Current CAMS manual.
This Meeting will be conducted in accordance with the CAMS Occupational Health and Safety Policy, which is available to be viewed at www.cams.com.au.
Competitors are reminded that they are responsible for the working conditions of their associated personnel at all times and must ensure that all applicable safe working conditions are met.
- 26. REFRESHMENT FACILITIES Nulon HQ in the pit area
- 27. ADDITIONS AND/OR ALTERATIONS: Any additions and/or alterations to these Supplementary Regulations will be notified to all Drivers in Further Regulations or during the Drivers’ Briefing.
Day 2: Mountain Straight Hillclimb
- 1. THE EVENT will be held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the National Competition Rules of CAMS, the Speed Event Standing Regulations published by CAMS, these Supplementary Regulations and any Further Regulations that are issued. This Event will be conducted under and in accordance with CAMS OH&S and Risk Management Policies, which can be found on the CAMS website at www.cams.com.au
- 2. THE EVENT will be held on Saturday 13th May 2017 on Conrod Straight, Mt Panorama
- 3. THE EVENT will be conducted under CAMS Permit No: 217/1305/02 which has been issued and will be displayed at the event.
- THE EVENT will be organised and promoted by a committee from the Bathurst Light Car Club Ltd.
- 5. THE EVENT will include as a minimum 4 runs.
- 6. THE STEWARDS for the event will be:
Chief Steward: Peter Zylstra Grade: Gold
Second Steward Cecil Evans Grade: Club Chief
Clerk of Course: David Robinson Grade: Silver
Event Secretary: Robert Lundie-Jenkins Grade: Bronze
Phone: Home: 0434 318148
All correspondence should be addressed to-
Chris Dawe CD@nulon.com.au
Chief Scrutineer: Richard Setchfield Grade: Gold
- ENTRIES: are by invitation from NULON only and will close at 6:00pm on Wednesday 11th May 2017.
- a) Maximum number of driver entries for the Event: 80 Reserves: 10
- b) Maximum number of drivers per vehicle: 1
- c) Entries will be accepted in order of receipt and must be sent to Chris Dawes at Nulon on a properly completed Entry Form accompanied by the appropriate entry fee. An incomplete entry form or lack of payment of entry fee concurrent with the entry will result in non-acceptance of the entry.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry in accordance with NCR 83 of the Current CAMS Manual.
- 9. ENTRY FEE will be $ Nil (GST incl) To be paid by Nulon
Current CAMS Level 2S/J, or superior and club membership are compulsory and must be presented at document check-in. If issued, a CAMS vehicle logbook shall also be required to be shown.
SCRUTINY will be held at 7:00am on 143h May 2017 at Tower 2 in the Pit Area, Mt Panorama
- All vehicles must comply with Schedules A & B of the CAMS General Requirements for Automobiles (as specified in the CAMS Manual), including a fire extinguisher; blue triangle (for battery) and a secondary method for fastening the bonnet.
- All vehicles must comply with Schedule J. (as specified in the CAMS Manual).
- Maximum noise limit is 95 dba fast response, at 30 meters drive by. Any car found to exceed the maximum noise emission limit will be suspended from the event, (the time recorded on that run will be disallowed) until the Chief Scrutineer / Clerk of the Course is satisfied that action has been taken to bring it within the limit.
- Competition numbers are to be positioned on both sides and the front of the car and must comply with Schedule K of the NCRs.
- Drivers and vehicles must be presented in a clean and tidy manner. Note: The Event will not be delayed due to late arrivals. It is the drivers’ responsibility to ensure their vehicles are scrutineered before the scheduled starting time of the Event. All drivers must attend scrutineering personally so that their driving apparel can be checked.
DRIVERS’ BRIEFING will be held: at 8:45 am on 13th May 2017 at Tower 2 in the Pit Area, Mt Panorama. It is compulsory for ALL drivers to attend. Scrutineering will cease whilst the drivers’ briefing is in progress.
Note: A driver “sign-on” sheet must be signed by all drivers to prove briefing attendance, failure to sign on may result in penalties being applied by the stewards of the meeting.
The EVENT commences at 9:30am and will be finished by 5:00pm.
For this event classes shall be as listed below
A: Under 3.4 litre Normally Aspirated
B: Over 3.4 litre Normally Aspirated
C: All Wheel Drive
D: 2WD Forced Induction
E: Workshop
F: Pro
All vehicles must comply with the NSW Supersprint regulations or 3J improved production regulations in the CAMS manual with the exception of roll cages which must comply with schedule J
Where a vehicle is eligible for more than one class, a competitor cannot alter their desired class after the commencement of scrutineering. The Chief Scrutineer can, for eligibility reasons, re-classify a vehicle during scrutineering.
- FUEL: All competitors are permitted to use any fuel as defined in Schedule G in the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Vehicles using alcohol shall have signage indicating the use as is prescribed in Schedule G. Item 5.3
Drivers must wear safety equipment that complies with Schedule D of the current CAMS Manual, including:
- a) A helmet that complies with AS1698 or better (as per the current CAMS Manual of Motorsport) and carries marking to that effect, or is otherwise specifically approved by CAMS.
- b) Non-Flammable clothing, including cover from throat to wrists to ankles (apparel of nylon or similar material is forbidden). Flame retardant overalls, or better, are highly recommended
- c) Suitable flame retardant footwear (thongs, open sandals, high-heeled shoes and nylon joggers are forbidden), and
- d) In open cars, goggles or a visor with a lens material other than glass (to AS1609) are mandatory as are leather or Nomex gloves which entirely cover the hands.
- 15. REPLACEMENT VEHICLES: At the sole discretion of the Clerk of the Course, a driver whose vehicle has broken down may use a replacement vehicle. The replacement vehicle must have been scrutineered, and preferably be in the same category/type and class as the original vehicle. Where the original vehicle has recorded a time and the scrutineered replacement is not in the same category/type and class as the original vehicle, the replacement vehicle will not be eligible for prizes and/or trophies.
- 16. TIMING EQUIPMENT will be: with an accuracy of one hundredth of a second
- 17. RERUNS: Reruns will be permitted at the sole discretion of the Clerk of the Course. A restart will only be permitted if the rear wheels have not crossed the start line, if a red flag is displayed or a miss-time occurs. If required, a rerun cannot be run before 5 other vehicles have had their runs.
- AWARDS will be presented at: Clubrooms, Conrod Straight Mount Panorama at the conclusion of the event and will consist of trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Class.
- 19. AUTHORITY OF OFFICIALS: Any driver not following a reasonable instruction by an official during the Event may be excluded from the Event at the discretion of the Stewards of the Meeting.
- 20. MEDICAL FACILITIES: Provided by Paramedical Services
PUBLIC RISK INSURANCE is included under the permit for this Event. PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE – CAMS licence holders are covered by Personal Accident Insurance for the term of the licence. Insurance for this event will be provided in accordance with Appendix I of the current CAMS Manual.
- 23. PROTESTS: Any protests must be made in accordance with Part XII of the NCR’s.
- 24. POSTPONEMENT / ABANDONMENT / CANCELLATION: The organisers reserve the right to postpone, abandon or cancel the Event in accordance with NCR 59 of the Current CAMS manual.
This Meeting will be conducted in accordance with the CAMS Occupational Health and Safety Policy, which is available to be viewed at www.cams.com.au.
Competitors are reminded that they are responsible for the working conditions of their associated personnel at all times and must ensure that all applicable safe working conditions are met.
- 26. REFRESHMENT FACILITIES Nulon HQ in the pit area
- 27. ADDITIONS AND/OR ALTERATIONS: Any additions and/or alterations to these Supplementary Regulations will be notified to all Drivers in Further Regulations or during the Drivers’ Briefing.